Services We Offer

Family Owned & Operated Since 1997
Towing & Roadside Assistance

Towing & Roadside Assistance

24/7 Towing & Roadside Assistance Service, Wrecker, & Recovery.

Truck, RV, & Bus Repair (At The Shop)

Truck, RV, & Bus Repair (At The Shop)

Full Service Repair Shop & Sales. Eleven Service Bays!

On-Site Mobile Mechanic (We Come to You)

On-Site Mobile Mechanic (We Come to You)

Full Service Mechanic on Wheels. Two Full Inventory Service Trucks

Our Story

Our Story

Welcome to Express Truck Repair & First Call Towing. Our everyday goal is to create an atmosphere of friendliness, helpfulness and caring where you can experience trustworthy and professional towing, roadside service and truck repairs. Building long-lasting customer relationships founded on high quality performance is the cornerstone of our business. In everything we do, you’ll see how we’ve earned a reputation for integrity. We are a family owned and operated business that has been serving Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio for over 19 years. From light, medium, and heavy duty towing to roadside assistance and truck repairs including lock outs, tire changes, jump starts, etc, we are your 24-hour emergency service provider. To help make your life easier, our company offers all types of equipment hauling services, ranging from construction equipment to storage containers. When transporting equipment, the skill and experience of the operators makes a huge difference. Our technicians are more than just operators, they are specialists in delivering your equipment to its final destination, on time, and completely damage-free. We are here to serve the trucking industry and turn a bad situation into something good. We help serve Semi Truck/Trailer Drivers/Fleets that are broken down and need repairs. If you are traveling through our area on the Indiana/ Ohio Toll Road/ I-80/90 at the crossroads of I-69, we can help you! We also have a second full service shop conveniently located on Highway 49 in Edon, Ohio that is very close to the crossover between the Indiana and Ohio toll roads.
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